Sunday, August 23, 2009

All you gotta do is say YES

So im really starting to realize that life is based around decisions... kinda like the yellow brick road, one prime decision/road should make ur life better right!? I dont know about this man, Ive just always thought about what or how making one decision could lead to me missing the next or possibility of the other. this obviously leads to my reflection on commitment. I get the whole commitment idea but me being analytical it can be hard to commit.... not because I'm not sure of the situation but rather dont feel the need to put all my eggs in one basket. But then again while thinking I realized the fault in my and many other's idea of commitment. maybe its not the whole concept of commitment but maybe its the actuality and realization that I've personally never whole-heartedly did something of the sorts. maybe im not afraid of commitment but jus not familiar wit it to be confortable wit it. But dont get me wrong im focused and determed on all that i put my effort into. but i guess u gotta swim one day and that may mean you can't always go out wit ur scuba gear. guess their right huh?! cant have ur cake and eat it too and still expect all to come out even... all I gotta do is say YES and just do it, in order to know it!-tabernacle

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Just A dolla and a Dream

So yup ladies and gents it's official I got the Lsat book today... bitin my nails... ahh... I'm scared... but I'm starting to realize my signifiance of doing these 16 yrs of school...whoa when I put it like that it sounds crazy... but im blessed!... God know's I need to do this, cuz my life is too crazy not to be SUCCESSFUL!!! ahhh I JUS WANNA B SUCCESSFUL! I realized that life is based on a foundation which you build upon each day through the experiences, decisions and logical sequence that u do it all... but even with putting one foot in front of the other there will always be something, someone, or somewhere else u would rather be. But you just have to say DON'T LOSE UR BALANCE... life may knock u down, have its faults and slip ups but it is what u want it to be. I just wish ppl realized this and got up and changed the foundation that they lived upon each day...I mean we all have our faults but DON'T LOSE UR BALANCE! Ppl need to stop beating themselves up and start pushing themselves along, because if u won't do it kno one else will... That Beyonce me, myself and I song states it all and if u dont give a damn about being ur own bf, how da hell is someone else.... u must love, appreciate, understand and accept your foundation in order to grow or u result to being a bitter person...I love my foundation so one little pebble in the road won't stop my success, im determined to beat my odds one step at a time, brick by brick....-Tabernacle

Saturday, August 8, 2009

WHY?! are we leading our youth astray?

So I've been thinking about how different the world has become since the TURN of the millenium, literally. I never realized the effects of generational change until I started to really look at what WE yes WE as adults have lead our youth to become. from cursing to a drastic increase in exploring sexuality, WE must realize our youth is being lead astray by the people whom should be protecting them...THERE OWN OLDER BROTHERS AND SISTAS... WE are condoning the development of a mislead generation by engaging in two activities... either we are NOT lending an ear to their cries to be acknowledged OR we are encouraging the development of such activity. We must ask ourselves WHY our children believe that being on our corners at 4 am at the age of 12 is acceptable. What happened to the restrcitions set before our children to protect them from the unknown? WHY are little boys and girls able to curse, but yet are not capable of succeed in spelling, reading and math? lastly WHY are our children not succeeding, believing and inspiring to be all they can be? The only answer I can come up with points to us as brothas and sistas... the village metaphor must still be alive somewhere right!? at least I hope it is..... it truely does take a village...smh... I jus wanna kno when my village will actually show up for the family reunion... -Tabernacle

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Whats Da 411

  • Okay so I gotta kno what's the 411: with girls wearing leggings with EVERYTHING... I dont quite get the infactuation and idea of leggings being an essential part of an outfit... what happened to the basics...jeans... a shirt...a fresh pair of dunks... where da hell is the fashion world leading our children to believe? that leggings ( in colors that where strictly regarded in prostitutes closets) now replace jeans, shorts or even buying shit that properly fits our damn bodies...smh... when I walked on 71st saw a girl with blue leggings, wth matching spray painted chucks... and an old white Tee I was too through... jus had to say...NO NO NO...
  • Whats Da 411: on mohawks... okay ladies and gents I thought we where thru with the whole party lke a rockstar lookin ass faze... It's tru i was down for da cause AT 1ST!!! but then shit has simply and utterly gotten out of hand... ppl need to realize that the mohawk is NOT and I repeat NOT for everyone... if your head is toooo big... it is NOT for u...if u have a wierd and funny shaped head it is NOT for u.... sorry jus keeping it real... from cassie to la la ... ppl plz spare me!!
  • What's Da 411: okay im not the one to put down piercings because im truely addicted but.... GIRLS!!! plz dont fall into the idea of believing u will look good with a lip ring!!!! becuz everyone can not do it.... if u have acne.... it is NOT FOR U! omg lil wayne get a piercing and everybody believe they can do the same... po lil tink tink's on the contrary u CANT... what u fail to realize is that u r NOT a celebrity... u dont have enough money to make shit look good on u so plz stop!!!...
dont get it not hating... im not a politician... i jus want change... i jus simply want to kno the 411?- Tabernacle

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

UGH.... Shawty Rude as Hell...smh

Let me start by saying that ppl really do the darnest things. recently it has come to my attention that ppl have a tendency to do things without having any regards about who they effect or if the shit is logical... leading to my conclusion of ppl being RUDE AS HELL... One thing that really blows my mind is how ppl will say they will do something and wait allllll the way until the last minute to tell u that they dont wanna do it anymore... now lets get this straight i understand that ppl change their minds but if u promise to do something then do it... because if not u r being RUDE AS HELL.. jus think about the person that is being effected by ur small decision to disregard your promise... in the end your disregard causes them more worry than need be had they known u where a flaky ass person..smh... Secondly... I have always lived by the motto treat others as u wanna personally be treated especially in regards to any long term relationship/friendship.... but obviously others dont believe in that... ppl really blow me when you want me to do something and when the shoe is on the other foot u cant recepricate the action.... I mean is it really that hard to do?....I with the utmost sincerity consider that to be RUDE AS HELL.... In the end I just wish ppl could make up their minds, do what their hearts desire, yet lead with the consideration of others... - Tabernacle