Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I'm Changing....

Over the past few months I have changed what I do, How I do things, what Iponder on in life and whom I associate myself with. Although I know these changes may confuse some people I'm pretty secure with what I've done. Right now I feel like im in a good place in my life, a place that in some aspects I have never experienced. What I'm confused about are the reactions from people whom I 'thought" where very much cool with me. Yes I can admit that I have stepped back, stepped up and moved over but honestly I'm the same person. The fact that some people have negative connotations to my new found person, call me phony, talk behind my back means that it wasnt meant to be right?!. Its funny how people correlate me getting my life together as negative. I cant understand how sonmeone will say this and that about the changes you made and how phony I act but never seem to reach out to me. When did me opening my eyes and rectifying what I do correlate with being phony, disloyal and "a different person". Honestly I have no grudges aganist anyone, Im not one to hold one... what I do have is speculations and perceptions about who people are, what they do and how they act around others. I'm not saying that I'm a perfect person, never was, never will, never can be... but what I do question are the people that have negative connotations about me changing....Does it intimidate you... Honestly my change did not change me as a person or my interactions but I question your reasoning for not wanting to be apart of the change, then be the one standing outside the change pointing fingers and throw slop...